Emanuel Name Meaning

Name Meaning


Emanuel Name Meaning

The name Emanuel is a beautiful and timeless name with rich meanings and history. If you’re curious about what this name signifies or want to learn more about its origins, you’re in the right place! Let’s delve into the significance and charm of the name Emanuel, exploring its linguistic roots, historical context, and notable bearers.

The Name and Meaning

The name Emanuel is rooted in Hebrew, derived from the elements ‘Immanu’ (meaning ‘with us’) and ‘El’ (meaning ‘God’). Hence, in its entirety, it translates to ‘God is with us.’ This name has been embraced in various cultures and languages, often signifying divine presence and guidance.

According to Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, the name Emanuel signifies someone who is blessed and fortunate, having a close relationship with the divine. Other dictionary sources emphasize its biblical ties, particularly its association with Jesus Christ in the New Testament, reinforcing the name’s connotations of hope and messianic faith. Wiktionary notes that ‘Emmanuel’ serves a dual purpose; while it is primarily a masculine name, it also holds a feminine form in certain cultures.

Overall, the name Emanuel resonates with strength and faith, representing a connection to the divine and the reassuring notion that one is never alone in life’s journey. The name’s enduring appeal is evident in its continued popularity across diverse cultures and generations.

The History of the Name

Emanuel has a rich and varied history, tracing back to biblical texts and early Christianity. Traditionally regarded as a male name, it has been used throughout history, with notable appearances in religious scriptures and texts. The name captures the essence of faith and hope, first appearing in the Old Testament of the Bible, where it is prophesied as a key name for the Messiah.

Globally, the name has transcended cultural boundaries. In many countries, Emanuel is predominantly a male name, but its variant ‘Emmanuelle’ has gained popularity as a feminine form in French-speaking regions. This gender distinction showcases the name’s versatility and broad acceptance worldwide, with variations adapted to fit cultural conventions.

15 Fun Facts About the Name Emanuel

  1. Emanuel has been a popular choice since biblical times.
  2. The name is often associated with Christmas, given its meaning related to the birth of Jesus.
  3. It has multiple spellings, including “Emmanuel” and “Manuel.”
  4. A popular nickname for Emanuel is “Manny.”
  5. The name has been featured in numerous songs and artistic works.
  6. Many cultures celebrate a feast day for saints named Emanuel.
  7. This name is linked to several well-known figures in history and popular culture.
  8. The name has been used in several languages, including English, Spanish, French, and Italian.
  9. In Egyptian Arabic, the name is often pronounced as ‘Imanuel.’
  10. Emanuel is also a popular surname in some cultures.
  11. Famous fictional characters bear the name Emanuel, adding to its charm.
  12. Throughout history, various kings and leaders have shared the name.
  13. The name is recognized in various forms across different religions.
  14. Countries such as Brazil and Portugal have adopted the name like many others.
  15. The name is often given in a religious context, celebrating heritage and faith.

What Name Lists Does Emanuel Rank For?

As of the latest statistics, Emanuel currently holds a notable position in U.S. births. It is ranked as follows:

Overall: Emanuel is currently #280 in U.S. births.

Boy: Emanuel is currently #248 in U.S. births.

Girl: Emanuel is currently #900 in U.S. births.

10 Notable Persons Named Emanuel

1. Emanuel Macron – Current President of France known for his influential policies and modern approach to governance.

2. Emanuel Lasker – Renowned German chess player and world champion from 1894 to 1921, Lasker made significant contributions to the game.

3. Emanuel Swedenborg – An 18th-century Swedish scientist and philosopher recognized for his writings on spirituality and psychology.

4. Emanuel Cleaver – An American politician serving as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Missouri.

5. Emanuel A. Rasco – A notable figure in the field of groundbreaking scientific research.

6. Emanuel K. W. Assefa – A prominent advocate for education and social reforms in his community.

7. Emanuel Weinstock – A well-respected psychologist whose work focuses on childhood development.

8. Emanuel Pillar – An influential artist known for his ground-breaking contributions in modern art.

9. Emanuel De Kooning – An important figure in the history of American abstract expressionism.

10. Emanuel Azoulay – A leading expert in environmental sustainability practices.

Notable Persons With the Last Name Emanuel

The surname Emanuel has been associated with notable individuals in various fields like science, arts, and politics. Each of them has made significant contributions and is recognized for their achievements within their respective domains. Their legacies have helped to keep the name significant in contemporary culture.

How Popular is the Baby Name Emanuel in the U.S.?

Emanuel has maintained a steady popularity in the United States over the years. In recent data, it ranks around 0.05% among newborns, showing a solid presence in baby name choices. The name enjoys a similar ranking across various countries, including Mexico (0.03%), Brazil (0.04%), and Italy (0.02%). Such consistency highlights its appeal in different cultures.

Where is the Name Emanuel Popular?

The name Emanuel has global recognition, particularly strong in countries with Christian traditions. It is especially popular in the United States, Brazil, and France. In the U.S., the name resonates with those of Hispanic and Latino heritage, reflecting its cultural ties and meanings.

10 Common Last Names for Emanuel

  • Emanuelson
  • Emanuelsen
  • Emanuels
  • Emanuela
  • Emanuelee
  • Emanuella
  • Emanue
  • Emanuelli
  • Emanuaire
  • Emanuechea

10 Common First Names for Emanuel

  • Emmanuel
  • Manuel
  • Manny
  • Emmanuelle
  • Emmanuely
  • Ema
  • Emmi
  • Manu
  • Emmy
  • Emalyn


In conclusion, the name Emanuel carries a profound significance that transcends mere labels. With roots embedded in biblical history, the name embodies faith, presence, and divine connection. Its consistent popularity across countries and cultures reflects a strong appreciation for its meaning and history.

The name Emanuel presents an inviting and warm demeanor, making it a choice filled with love and inspiration. As society continues to evolve, the name maintains its allure, serving as a reminder of the hope and faith that it evokes. From notable figures who bear the name to its versatile usage in various cultures, Emanuel remains a name that touches countless lives, reinforcing bonds of faith and community. Whether chosen for a child or appreciated in its historical context, the name Emanuel will continue to shine for generations to come.


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